Happy Life

“I just want to be happy” is what I hear from people.  Some people think that if they make lots of money OR if they meet Mr. Perfect OR live in a big beautiful house, happiness would finally arrive for them, but what are they really saying?  I believe what they are really seeking after is SIGNIFICANCE in their life not necessarily all the outward trappings of “success.”  Go Deeper.

Possessions Make me Happy?

Even if a person has all the money in the world or is surrounded by people and owns everything that one’s heart desires, all of these things that we think we need or want is just an exterior manifestation for something that doesn’t fill our soul.  Our soul longs to find purpose and without it, we are lost and continue to search for meaning.  Many times in that weary pursuit, it seems easier to just go after material things rather than to find our significance in WHO WE ALREADY ARE:
Who am I?  Why am I here?  These are hard and deep questions that make us feel small if we do not know the answers.  If you don’t know, then the world will send you many, false messages to lure you into believing that our importance is found in what we own, how much of it we have, and what kind of “image” it creates, rather than the intrinsic, Christ-value we have from within. 
God says you are ALREADY accepted, loved and forgiven (Romans 5:8).  God says He created you in His Image not in Hollywood’s image (Genesis 1:27).  God says He knew you and purposed for you to know Him (Jeremiah 1:5).  God says you are wonderfully and beautifully made (Psalms 139:14).  God says He loves you just because you ARE.  God says He sent His Son to purchase you as His prized possession even before the foundations of the world (Ephesians 1:4).  Why?  So you can be happy.

Pleasures Make me Happy?

To know God and to discover your place in this world filled with others who are on the same journey is extraordinary.  Isn’t that ironic?  How can something that “everyone” is doing be considered extraordinary?  Because when God comes into your life, everything becomes EXTRAordinary and not just “natural,” but SUPERnatural!  

God wants a relationship with you, so He can show you the way of eternal life NOW not when you die and go to heaven.  God wants you to know and discover His plans and purposes for your life today.  Knowing your true identity and your worth will empower you to the moon and back!  You will never be the same when you realize that life is all about “relationships” and the quality of connection you have with significant others.  

No more competition trying to out do the “Jone’s” for personal glory or one-upmanship.  No more trying to control or manipulating others to compare one’s accomplishments or exploits.  Using worldly pleasure to out-do the other or dominate over others for selfish gain is short-lived and exhausting.  Instead of looking for the next exciting thing to do or experience, try giving that experience away with significant people in your life to enrich yourself with the accompaniment of others.  They need you, and you need them.  More than you know…

Power Makes me Happy?

You have heard that “knowledge is power”.  This is true to a certain extent because not all knowledge reveals truth.  There are many forms of knowledge and the more you know, the more responsibility you carry to then figure out what you are to do with that type of knowledge.  If knowledge is stagnate, then it is “dead knowledge” twice rooted up and obsolete. 

Will you use it for the good of humanity or for self-gain only?  INFORMATION Knowledge gives you head information about things, ideas, concepts, theory, and doctrines, but it can only go so far if one does not use that piece of information into useful action for life.  This is where EXPERIENTIAL Knowledge goes one step further by giving a person the “wisdom” they need to “live out” what they say they know or believe.

Lastly, when you are in relationship with your Creator, Father begins to give you REVELATION Knowledge: that comes directly from Him that never brings harm to yourself or to others.  When I talk about “revelation,” I am not talking about people who simply go around saying, “God told me this” or “God said this to me” while wounding and hurting people along their journey.  Rather, when God speaks to you, it transforms you to embody more of His UNconditional Love towards others!

The Happy Life is not “all about me,” that pursues possessions, pleasures or power depicted in “The Good Life.”  Rather, it is doing life together with God through coming into union with Christ.  It is called the ZOE LIFE!  The path to show you who you were always meant to be since the foundations of the world.