Milking it for All it’s Worth, Part 1

An Evangelical teaching on “dual fulfillment” has brought so much confusion to a whole generation of believers who look for future prophecies to be fulfilled in our time 🙅🏼.

If you understand the NATURE of the Bible, the PURPOSE of the Bible, and the LIMITATION of the Bible, you should realize that there is no such thing as “dual fulfillment.” This is double-talk.
Futurist leaders teach that there is a short term fulfillment and a long term fulfillment of biblical prophecy because they ALL have been taught under heavy “Dispensationalism.”

Why would they propose such a framework? Because it gives them an “out” whenever future prophecies do not happen like their leaders proclaim. With this teaching in place, they can get away with it and “milk it for all its worth.” It’s a scam…

Dual Fulfillment is a man-made proposition that works like a “life insurance policy” with NO ACCOUNTABILITY. Not cool. 😤

1. NATURE: The Bible is very ethno-centric. It is written to and written by the Hebrew people 2000 to 4000 years ago in the Near Ancient East. It is THEIR literal, historical story not ours.
For example, the “end of the world” verses of the biblical text was all in reference to the House of Israel & House of Judah being judged for THEIR apostasy & rebellion against YHWH and NOT a judgment to end our world. Far from it.

“Heaven” (Temple) and “earth” (Jerusalem) was their context NOT addressed to the whole world. Their judgments from YHWH are NOT meant to be used for us today. It has already been fulfilled in THEIR time frame: 70 AD.

2. PURPOSE: God decided to call out a small & weak people group to come into covenant relationship with Him to set an example for how other groups could enter into the Kingdom of God.

However, they broke that covenant with YHWH, and so God decided instead to bring the blessing through His Son to fulfill a new covenant not with just one race but to the WHOLE WORLD.
The Bible testifies to this simple yet profound message of RESTORATION through His Son Christ Jesus. So all prophecies in the Bible climaxes to the salvation work of God for all of humanity not just one tribe.

3. LIMITATION: The Bible does NOT address everything for all times. Rather, it addresses the issues, concerns, and problems about the Hebrew people in their context and in their timeframe.
The Bible is NOT to be used as an instructional manual for modern society. Rather, we must get inside the general culture and the minds of specific historical biblical figures to discover what THEIR concerns actually were to see if there is anything left over for us to learn…to relate with…to apply (some times NOT all the time🙄).

Once you “understand” the limitations of the Bible, THEN you can from that standpoint begin to study:
•TYPES/SHADOWS = repeats
•PROPHECY = DOES NOT repeat (!)
These 4 APPLICATIONS of the Bible will be addressed in Part 2.

*photo mine